Punya Laptop Tapi Gak Menguasai..!

Buat Anda yang punya laptop namun tidak menguasai baik menggunakan, merawat dan memperbaikinya, kami siap membantu Anda.

Design Is A Behaviour

Desain adalah perilaku seseorang, mencerminkan keperibadiannya.

Desain Brosur

Beberapa contoh desain brosur, dan kami selalu siap membantu desain brosur usaha Anda.

Bingung Bikin Logo Usaha Baru Anda

Kami profesional dan siap menjadi konsultan logo usaha Anda dengan beberapa contoh logo yang kami tawarkan.

Galeri Photo

XphoDesign juga melayani pembuatan album galeri photo keluarga maupun kegiatan Anda.

Desain Spanduk

Spanduk adalah salah satu media promosi, XphoDesign siap mendesain spanduk sesuai kebutuhan Anda dan dengan perpaduan warna yang sangat menarik.

Pembuatan PIN

Pemesanan PIN dapat Anda lakukan dengan langsung menghubungi, dan Anda juga bebas menggunakan gambar dari Anda sendiri atau kami juga siap membantu.

ID Card

Kami juga melayani pembuatan ID Card dengan berbagai macam desain dan jenis gantungan yang sesuai dengan selera Anda.

Web Design

Kami telah lama berkecimpung di dunia ini dan klien kami telah membuktikannya.

Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan

Kami mempunyai beberapa tenaga pengajar atau narasumber yang sangat berkompeten di bidangnya masing-masing.

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

Kalimat Pengandaian - Conditional Sentences

Kalimat pengandaian digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang AKAN terjadi BILA penyebabnya (yang merupakan kejadian pertama) terjadi duluan. Dengan kata lain, kejadian "B" (katakanlah begitu, untuk memudahkan) akan terjadi bila kondisi-kondisi penyebabnya (kejadian "A") telah terjadi. Simpelnya, jika A maka B. Jika tidak A, maka tidak B pula. Jika anda masak nasi, ya akan dapat nasi. Jika tidak masak nasi, tentu saja ga punya nasi (kecuali dikasih tetangga.. hehehe).

Kalimat pengandaian bisa menggambarkan kondisi aktual atau nyata Real dan bisa juga mendeskripsikan harapan (terhadap sesuatu belum atau tidak terjadi) atau yang disebut Not Real. Jika memang aktual, maka hasilnya akan didapat di masa datang. Jika berupa pengandaian atau harapan, maka hasilnya sudah didapat sekarang hanya saja tidak sesuai dengan harapan. (duh...kalimatku kok kacau gini ya..)

Conditional sentence biasanya dimulai dengan kata "if" (jika) dan diikuti dengan klausa atau anak kalimat. Kalimat yang diungkapkan dalam kondisi past tense adalah pengungkapan harapan atas realitas yang tidak sesuai rencana/harapan. Makanya, hasil yang terjadi adalah kebalikannya. Here is an example:

1. If the bus hadn’t already passed by, we would’ve been on time for our meeting.

Kenyataannya adalah If the bus hadn’t already passed by means that the bus did pass by. Klausa lain, we would’ve been on time, malah berarti we were not on time. Busnya memang datang, tapi tetap aja telat.

2. If the bus had already passed by, there would be no people waiting.

Klausa pengandaian, If the bus had already passed by adalah kalimat positif yang mana artinya menjadi kebalikannya, negatif, the bus did not pass by, Klausa akibat, there would be no people waiting bermakna negatif yang mana berarti kebalikannya there are people waiting.

3. If the man had called the ambulance, the boy would’ve survived.

Kejadian sebenarnya adalah: Si anak laki-laki itu tidak selamat, karena si bapak tidak memanggil ambulans. This means the man did not call the ambulance and the boy did not survive.

Coba anda rasakan perbedaannya jika kita menggunakan present tense. Ini yang dinamakan kondisi sebenarnya karena klausa2 tersebut (baik itu pengandaian, akibat) tidak mempunyai arti yang berlawanan. Contoh:

If the bus arrives soon, we’ll be on time for our meeting. Jika busnya tepat waktu, kita akan tepat waktu untuk rapat. Kenyataannya ya... memang belum terjadi. The bus still might arrive soon, and if it does, we’ll be on time for our meeting.

If the man calls the ambulance, the boy will survive. Jika pria tersebut menelpon ambulans, si anak laki2 itu akan selamat.The man might call the ambulance, and the boy might survive.

Harapan (Wish)

Kata kerja "wish" bisa menggambarkan kondisi nyata dan tidak nyata. Seperti contoh yang diatas, jika diungkapkan dengan tenses yang "selangkah lebih mundur" dari past tense, maka itu berarti tidak sesuai kejadian sebenarnya.

Jenis-jenis Surat - Letters

1. Types of Letter
1. Formal Letters

Written to a business, to college or any professional that are not considered friends or family. And complete part of letters.

2. Informal Letters

A letter you would write to a friend or family member. It does not need a format, but there is a standard.

2. Samples of Letter
1. Welcome Letter

The feeling of happiness and gratitude to the recipient for becoming a member of an institution or group. The employer writes a welcome letter to a newly hired employee. A student may receive a welcome letter from a college that he passed. Store owners may also send letters to their customers welcoming them to try their latest products and promos.

2. Appreciation Letter

A written expression of gratitude. It contains notes of appreciation for the kind deed of the recipient.

3. Apology Letter

A sorry letter, often with a supporting explanation. Verbal apologis are usually more difficult that people resort to letters instead. Such letters are a good way to reach out and extend to the other party.

4. Collection Letter

A business reminder of outstanding credits due, or overdue credits that must be paid immediately. It is a written reminder of your obligation to settle necessary payments.

5. Invoice Letter
A written request for the invoice number of a sales transaction.

6. Invitation Letter

A formal written request for the presence of the recipient on an occasion. It may be informal gatherings like a birthday or Christmas party. It can also be a business invitation to a meeting. The important details of the occasion are included in the letter like the name of host, date, time and venue.

7. Marketing Letter

Sells products to customers. These are usually mass-produced and distributed to many. This is a good way to disseminate information about new products being sold.

8. Rejection Letter

A certain requested has been denied. A supporting explanation usually follows. As an example, a university sends rejection letters to students who failed their entrance exams. The student will not be allowed to enroll in their school.

9. Application Letter

A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.

3. Parts of Formal Letter
1. Sent Date
Ex. : 11th February, 2008 or February 11th 2008

2. Sender Addres
Ex :
Jl. Pemuda No. 30 A, Padang
081166 0000
E-mail : your_email@yahoo.com

3. Recipient Addres
Manager Personalia
Tri Media, CV
Jl. H. Agis Salim No. 26 Padang
Telp./Fax. 0751 700000
E-mail : personalia@trimedia.com
Website : TriMedia.com

4. The Greeting or Salutation
Ex : Dear Sir, or Dear Mr. Defrion,

5. Paragraph
Ex :

I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.

The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position.

  1. I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications.
  2. I strive for continued excellence.
  3. I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.

With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via email at dion@gmail.com or my cell phone, 081166 0000.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

6. Sender Signature

The signature is the last part of the letter. You should sign your first and last names. The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line. Use blue or black ink.